Thursday, February 6, 2025

Snow Week

We have been getting just barely enough snow to cancel school all week!  It is Thursday and we haven't gone yet.  They already announced that Friday will at least be a two hour delay.  I hope the whole day doesn't get canceled because we used up our built in make up days and are now adding onto the end of the year.  The problem is really the ice.  It has been below freezing and snowing just enough for it to turn to ice.  
Feeling a bit stuck in the house and having flash backs from covid is not stopping us from having fun.

This next picture is of us sledding at a friends house.
Today we played Mario cart together.  I can't remember the last time I played video games with the kids.
Bob even had work canceled for two days and has been struggling to trench a power line to our property.  He had to wait at Home Depot for two hours because they wouldn't give it to him until it got warmer outside.  Then once he got it back he realized they didn't give him the keys.  The whole thing has been a struggle because he is trying not to block the road for our neighbors who own an airbnb.  He wasn't able to get started until about 3pm and is supposed to have it done today.  I'll be excited when we have power! 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Trampoline Park

For Christmas this year the kids got a month long membership to the local trampoline park.  We went pretty much everyday for two weeks before school started and then most days after that.  We for sure got our moneys worth.  We had a blast.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Troll Hunting

We visited two more trolls and only have one left.  The first one is Brunn Iddun in Lincoln park.  We had to walk a good fifteen minutes to get to this guy.  He is down by the beach and we were not expecting that.  It would have been a very nice walk but we were tired and not prepared.

We also visited the Issaquah troll Jakob Two Trees.  I like his birdhouse necklace.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Seattle Trip

We took the ferry over to Seattle and spent the day sight seeing with the kids.  I especially wanted Tucker to be familiar with the big sights in case people ask him about them after he moves out.
We were trying to see the property from the ferry.  It wasn't possible, but we tried.

We saw the miniature train village.

The space needle.
Posed in front of the EMP and played at the playground there.

We put gum on the gum wall.  The kids were probably the most excited about this, but when we got there they didn't even want to do it.

We visited pikes place.

And checked out the gingerbread village.

It was fun, but a very long day.  When we were about fifteen minutes away from our house our car stopped working.  I wasn't able to get the van to go over 20 mph and it was very very slow to gain speed.  I was so happy we were able to make it home.  It was actually Christmas Eve so we didn't even look at it until after Christmas.  Turns out you need to put oil in a car for it to work.  It was completely empty and when Bob filled it up it started working perfectly again.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Winter Time

We had so much fun during winter break.  I love having two weeks off at home with the kids.  Just before the break we had dress up days.  I'm always a big fan of these for my kids but they are not always interested.  Most of my kids actually will not participate, but Calista is the exception.  Here she is for 80's day.
And me on pajama day.  
Now I have a bunch of random pictures to share.
The elfs came to our house again.  This year we let the older kids hide them.  It was great because I'm tired of doing it.

We celebrated Bob's birthday.
Went to several kids concerts.
Tucker learned a backflip.  It is pretty much all he does and talks about.  I don't really like him doing them but I do understand why he is excited.  He has wanted to be able to one for years and came a long way.